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The Importance of Fire Safety in HVAC System Installation

23 August 2021

For a property to receive an adequate amount of cool or hot air, it would rely on a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. The main purpose of this system is to process and send cool or hot air towards the indoor and outdoor spaces of a property. Through an HVAC system, areas inside the property can maintain optimum temperature amidst the increase or decrease of the ambient temperature.

The HVAC system can be effective in carrying out its main purpose thanks to various appliances and ductwork. But just like other system types, the appliances and tools that are needed for the HVAC system can operate excessively, which can potentially lead to a property fire. Without additional protection and safety measures, the HVAC system of your property can easily cause various fire hazards. 

Common Fire Hazards with HVAC System

One fire hazard that is associated with the HVAC system deals with electrical problems. Most of the appliances connected to this system are powered by electricity. If some of their connection becomes too old, then they might become loose and eventually lead to burning wires and a property fire. HVAC system units that have potential electrical connection issues would often generate burning odours and smoke.

The heating component of the HVAC system can operate optimally whenever it utilises fuel. Normally, this specific component can work according to its intended operations. But if the fuel slowly leaks and come into contact with heat, then it may trigger a huge fire inside the HVAC system and towards the property.

One more potential source of a fire hazard with the HVAC system may be pointed towards the clogging of system components. The entire HVAC system requires adequate space for its units to breathe. Clogging their airways with boxes, clothing, cleaning products, and other products can be dangerous since they can increase the temperature of the system units. And once some parts of the HVAC system catch on fire, the surrounding products can easily catch on fire too.

Fire Safety in HVAC System Installation

When installing and operating HVAC system units and components, one factor that you must heavily consider is fire safety. Fire safety is a set of practices that can minimise the damages caused by fire. 

To date, numerous practices can prevent the HVAC system from causing huge fires. One of the notable practices that you can do is to keep the furnace room free from flammable products. Doing this tip can ensure that if the HVAC system is on fire, the fire would not easily spread to other areas of the property. Another great practice would be conducting maintenance to the system components regularly. This practice can ensure that any system issues will be identified right away.

One more tip that can prevent HVAC system units and components from causing huge fires is to install fire protection devices and systems on the property. Passive fire protection systems such as firewalls, fire doors, emergency lights, and dampers can help in containing fires or slowing their spread. Active fire protection systems like fire extinguishers, alarms, and sprinkler systems should also be installed. To know more about keeping your property safe from fire hazards, you can call us at Split Ezy Pro.

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