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How Does Fire Spread on Properties?

25 October 2021

Many elements in the surroundings can damage buildings and structures. Some of these elements are moisture, heat, and dirt particles. But one element that is truly dangerous for properties is fire.

Fire is an element that comes out whenever three things are present: oxygen, fuel, and source of ignition. Theoretically, putting out one of these things can easily stop the generation of fire. However, in reality, it can be difficult for the fire to be stopped from growing and spreading, especially if a property does not possess the necessary fire protective measures.

With the combination of these elements, a fire can develop due to a chemical reaction known as combustion. During the combustion process, flames can be further produced, generating smoke, heat, and other hazardous gases and particles.

Increasing the Speed of Fire Spread

The spread of fire, as previously stated, can be mitigated once one of its required elements is removed. But if the fire is exposed to the following elements, then it can spread significantly faster.

  • Chemicals and Combustibles: Fire is known to spread faster once it interacts with chemicals and combustibles. Chemicals such as cleaning products, paint, and others can all amplify the spread of fire. Combustibles, which are products known to ignite, burn, support combustion, or release flammable vapours, can also accelerate the fire spread. Some examples of combustibles include newspapers, mattresses, sofa cushions, and textiles. 
  • Construction Materials: Modern construction materials must be able to withstand and resist the effects of fire. Hence, utilising them can somehow protect the properties from fire-related damages. However, buildings and structures made from wooden frames will be prone to fire damages since they are combustible and flammable. 

Aside from these elements, the speed of fire spread can increase if the fire occurs in an open space. Without walls, doors, and other partitions, the fire will just engulf everything. The existence of ductwork, especially those that are made from combustible materials, can also speed up the fire spread.

Three Primary Ways of Fire Spread

The speed of fire spread often depends on the elements present in the surroundings. And through these elements, fire can easily spread in three ways.

One way the fire can spread inside the property is through convection. The fire spread through convection can be extremely dangerous since the heat from the fire will be trapped once it reaches the ceiling. As the heat travels horizontally, the fire can then spread across the entire room, significantly harming anyone who is trapped inside. Conduction is another way of fire spread, which occurs whenever fire interacts with materials that can be ignited. With conduction, the fire can spread between rooms and spaces.

Ultimately, radiation is a type of fire spread that involves electromagnetic waves in the air. With radiation, fire can spread from building to building, penetrating windows and incur wide-scale damages. To effectively prevent the speed spread of fire, property owners like you should invest in both active and passive fire protection systems. We, at Split Ezy Pro, offer fire-rated mounting brackets for air conditioning units, which can mitigate fire spread whenever it occurs on your property.

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