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Understand the Difference between Active and Passive Fire Protection Systems

02 December 2021

Fire can be devastating, especially if it is generated inside a building. This fact is the reason why building contractors have to ensure that their projects will contain elements and mechanisms that will prevent fire from damaging and destroying them.

When preventing the fire from causing damages and casualties, contractors must integrate various fire protection systems to different places and surfaces of the buildings. Some may have to be incorporated into the structural elements of the properties during their construction, while others can be placed right after the buildings have been built completely. Now, even though various fire protection systems may not function similarly, they can still easily save resources and most importantly, lives.

Before digging deeper into protecting your property from fire, you must first know the difference between active and passive fire protection systems. Understanding their differences can help you obtain fire protection systems that can match specific places of your property.

Active Fire Protection Systems

Active fire protection systems are comprised of components that can directly combat the spread of fire. They are meant to put out the fire so that it will not damage the surfaces and properties anymore. Some active fire protection components may be manually triggered by people, while others are meant to be activated automatically once fire, heat, or smoke has been detected.

Most properties today are already equipped or have been installed with tons of active fire protection system components. One of these components is the smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are activated whenever smoke is present, which then allow them to produce some noise and light so that occupants are notified. Sprinkler systems often work alongside smoke detectors since they can automatically release some water to put out the detected fire.

Fire extinguishers are another active fire protection system components that can help in combatting fire spread. They are manually operated by people who know how to use them.

Passive Fire Protection Systems

While active fire protection systems can help combat fire, they are still not adequate in protecting the entirety of properties. You see, active fire protection systems can only detect and put out the fire that is present on the surfaces of properties. If the fire, however, has reached some areas that are difficult to access, then the active fire protection systems will not be able to eliminate it.

Passive fire protection systems, fortunately, can combat fire and other elements associated with it that are present in hard-to-reach areas. They can likewise deter the spread of fire-related elements from one place to another, which pave the way to the safe evacuation of occupants and entrance of firefighters. Most passive fire protection systems are installed right into the structural areas of the properties and can effectively work with active fire protection systems.

Some notable examples of passive fire protection systems are fire-retardant materials, smoke baffles, fire-resistant glass partitions, compartmentation and fire-stopping materials, and fire doors. 

To know more about these fire protection systems, you can call us at Split Ezy Pro.

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