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Guidelines and Regulations for Fire-Safe Installations in Victoria

12 April 2021

Several elements can cause damage to buildings. One of these elements is fire. Fire is generated through the interaction of oxygen, heat, and fuel. And without preventing or extinguishing the fire, it can easily damage the structure of a building as well as all the things that can be found inside. It can likewise cause harm, injuries, and even death.

Given the effects of fire, building owners must follow some guidelines and regulations in ensuring that their properties possess essential safety measures. With these measures, all occupants will remain safe throughout their tenancy inside the buildings. Building owners can likewise earn a good reputation among occupants and other people.

Essential Safety Measures Overview

Integrating essential safety measures to the whole construction of a building is a must for building owners. After all, these measures can provide adequate safety to all the people inside and even around the building or structure. Fire, life safety, and health items are typically installed to ensure the presence of essential safety measures, protecting not only the lives of the people but also the life of the structure.

For fire-safe installations, both active and passive fire safety items must be included inside a building. Some examples of active fire safety items are sprinklers and mechanical services. Passive fire safety items, alternatively, are comprised of fire doors, fire-rated structures, and paths of travel to exits.

Other items and elements that can ensure the integration of essential safety measures include air handling systems, early warning systems, emergency items, fire control centres, fire extinguishers, fire detection and alarm systems, fire hydrants, smoke alarms, and smoke control systems.

Guidelines for Fire-Safe Installations

Buildings that are required to have essential safety measures include accommodation, offices, shops or buildings for sale of goods by retail, laboratories, buildings for production or assembly of goods, and public buildings. Owners of these buildings must ensure that the overall structure of their respective properties possesses essential safety measures and fire-safe installations.

Aside from ensuring the presence of essential safety measures, building owners must also prepare an annual essential safety measures report. This report can be completed by a specialist maintenance contractor. Building owners should likewise keep maintenance checks, safety measures, and repair work records so that they can be presented to a municipal building surveyor or chief officer of the fire brigade.

Failure to comply with the fire-safe installation and other essential safety measures can lead to an infringement notice, a hefty fine, and prosecution. But more importantly, non-compliance can lead to huge health risks and dangers for building occupants, passers-by, and neighbouring occupants.

Proper Installation of Air Conditioner

When it comes to the installation of air conditioner, it is recommended to hire installers who have a license and registration from the Victorian Building Association, a refrigerant handling license issued by the Australian Refrigeration Council, and an electrician’s license. Otherwise, building owners must employ a Registered Electrical Contractor licensed by Energy Safe Victoria. If you need help with the reliable installation of an air conditioner and ensuring the safety of your building, just contact us at Split Ezy Pro. We specialise in innovative solutions in the building industry that makes installation easier and safer. We also address safety concerns as well as increasing efficiency through the reduction of wastage of both materials and labour costs.

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